Friday, August 2, 2013

Netflix Original Series.

In 2009 Netflix starting creating their own original programs.  I hadn't heard of anything until House of Cards came out in February 2013.

House of Cards is a thirteen-episode long political drama.  It stars none other than the talented Kevin Spacey as the conniving genius Francis Underwood.  This show is fantastic.  It's well made, acted, casted, and written.  The settings and scenes are gorgeous!  Everything is placed just so.  I hate politics but this show is too good to pass up.  So if you haven't checked it out yet then I suggest you do.  You'll love it, trust me.

Then on May 26, 2013, the next (semi) Original Series by Netflix was of course Arrested Development.  Originally the show aired in 2003 and ran with a serious fan base! It was those same fans who convinced Netflix to bring the series back.  The show is in a totally different format.  Each episode is about one cast member specifically and all the episodes end up tying together.  It's still funny and I still love it but I do not laugh the same as I did at the original show.  However, MAJOR KUDOS to Netflix for giving the hardcore fans what they wanted.  And remember: There's always money in the banana stand.

Most recently Netflix released the first thirteen-episode long season of Orange Is The New Black.  This show rocks.  Everything about it is wonderful.  If you haven't already then go read this to learn more about the show.

Those three series are it for what I've watched of the Original Series.  There's Hemlock Grove but I heard it's kind of strange and I didn't feel like wasting my time.  But I'm sure I'll end up watching it anyway and I'll let you know how it is.  Oh! There is the new Mako Mermaids series which is based off the Australian show H2O.  Even though H2O is played on Teen Nick and I'm technically too old, I still watch it and like it.  So, of course, I watched the first episode of the Netflix re-boot Mako Mermaids.  It appears to be a prequel to H2O, except it doesn't quite work because it's set in modern time.  It's still well made, though.  I'm impressed with how well made Netflix Originals are.

Looks like there are at least four new series to look for on Netflix late this year and next year: an animation, another drama, a sci-fi drama, and some sort of stand-up comedy which doesn't interest me.  So keep your eyes peeled for all the goodness coming to Netflix.

Netflix was established in 1997, started distributing in 1999, and now in 2013 Netflix has over 33-million subscribers.  2013 saw the real rise of Netflix as a competitor of cable and network television.  Netflix became a streaming service and apparently "hopes to one day revolutionize TV by making television ratings obsolete."  That literally made me laugh out loud but they are definitely on the right path to making that goal a reality!

The company is the first to have a web series earn a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Series for House of Cards (which earned a total of nine nominations, by the way).  That nomination is definitely deserved!  Arrested Development and Hemlock Grove also earned nominations.

Netflix is doing incredibly well right now.  Almost everyone I know has a Netflix subscription.  If you don't, then you can't rent movies! Unless you have a RedBox near by, but those don't always have what you want inside.  Netflix completely demolished video rental stores like Movie Gallery and Blockbuster.  I don't have any in my area anymore.  It's sad but at the same time, go Netflix!  It's impressive what one company can do.

I wasn't sure what kind of video would go along with this post best.  So on a completely unrelated note, here's a song by the talented Caleb Orion.

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