Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Reef.

It's still Shark Week right?  Well, I decided another shark movie would be a good idea.  I came across The Reef last night while browsing Netflix and decided to give it a try.  It was a good decision because the movie was great!  I've seen it around on Netflix but thought it looked stupid; you know, just another dumb college kids giant shark film.  Luckily, it was none of those things.

I was happily surprised to see actual adults!  They weren't partying, naked, or drunk.  Already, within the first 10 minutes I was happy.  The movie is about four friends coming together in Australia to go on a boat when it capsizes!  The main dude decides the best option is for them to all swim back to an island they were at the day before.  Ten miles away.  In the open ocean.  In Australia.  Sounds like a horror movie to me!  The captain decides to stay behind on top of the capsized boat while the four friends swim their way to the island.

It was even before this point that I had predicted the order of which everyone would die.  I was almost correct!  I think it's fun to predict what's going to happen when watching movies or television shows.  It keeps me from getting bored and losing interest.

The Reef is an Australian horror film directed by Andrew Traucki and was released in 2010.  The Reef was Traucki's second film and his filmography includes all Australian horror.  Being an Australian film, I was unfamiliar with the cast but sometimes that can be a good thing.  Especially in horror, it is nice not to see familiar faces in movies because some big names are too well-known to see eaten by a shark.

Unlike 2-Headed Shark Attack, this movie is not hokey and is much more realistic.  It's a regular shark eating regular people.  They even used shots of real sharks which is super awesome and does not usually happen.  I guess because shark movies are often about giant sharks, two-headed sharks, dinosharks, or octosharks to name a few.  I mean, you can't really use real footage of that!  So kudos to the filmmakers for finally giving us a real shark movie.

The one thing that is silly about The Reef is that probably a shark won't eat people or follow you while you swim in the ocean.  The only reason sharks ever bite humans is because they're curious creatures and think we're something else.  In this movie, when the shark bites the first guy in half it comes back and eats the rest of him.  I'm pretty positive that would not actually happen.  Of course, if the movie were totally realistic then it wouldn't be very entertaining.  Poetic license is a very useful tool.

To celebrate this last day of Shark Week, the cool people's favorite week of the year, please turn on Netflix and stream this excellent shark movie.  Enjoy the movie trailer below, it was the only clip I could find!  Also, apparently this movie is based on some true events.  I have a feeling it was pretty loosely based.

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